Your exceptional Physical Education lessons are just a click away

Transform your PE lessons into unforgettable experiences with Wired for Movement.
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Microscope Eyes

Your exceptional Physical Education lessons are just a click away

Transform your PE lessons into unforgettable experiences with Wired for Movement.

Sign up now
Microscope Eyes
Sign up to Wired for Movement and your entire school gains full and unlimited access to our easy-to-implement, user- friendly program that children will love, flourish and grow from.
  • Software to instantly create bespoke lessons
  • Download any of over 30 ready-to-go 6 week lesson plans
  • Interactive assessment
  • Individual movement plans
Everything you need to help every child is just a click away.

The Wired for Movement Games -
Where the ‘Magic’ Happens

At the heart of our program lie the games themselves. Featuring a vast array of experiences, our collection includes revamped versions of classic playground games, familiar exercises, and activities for PE teachers, sports coaches, and physical therapists, as well as techniques used by specialists to alleviate stress and enhance peak performance.

While many games are brand new, each one is designed specifically for use in PE and offers a fresh experience. No matter what you're seeking, our diverse selection of games is sure to deliver the perfect fit for your needs.
Attack of the Monsters
Beanbag Limbo
Elephants on the March
Kick The Bag
Olympic Skydivers
Positive Body Buttons
The Balanced Warrior
Wobbly Bottoms

Download or Read from the Screen -
the Easy to Use Design of Every Game

We spent a lot of time getting the presentation and layout of the games just right. Displayed on a single side of A4 everyone can make every lesson a success:
Olympic Skydivers
  • Gorgeous visual illustration on every card.
  • Instruction to play always in 3 paragraphs. Clear & simple and usually written to be read off the page.
  • Inclusive at its heart with progressions and variations to simplify or make more challenging.
  • Guidance to really hone-in on the skill or experience so each session is a success.
  • Sign Up Now
When we got it right, every game, exercise, and activity was designed with the same layout. Repetition makes finding exactly what you need a breeze.

Preview the WfM Hub Welcome to The DoG!

Check out this video to see how the Hub
makes getting the games you need quick and easy.

Introducing The Whole Brain Experience; Activation Exploration and Integration

We're excited to introduce a unique and innovative feature of our Wired for Movement program: our Activation, Exploration, and Integration games. Every game is categorised as one of three types: Activation, Exploration, or Integration. Each type is specifically designed to engage different aspects of the brain, resulting in a dynamic and captivating learning experience when a lesson incorporates all three.


Activation Games and the Cerebellum: Our Activation games focus on simple coordinated movements, stimulating the cerebellum—the brain's control centre for motor skills and coordination.


Exploration Games and the Limbic System: If you're looking to foster creativity and experimentation, our Exploration games activate the limbic system. This region of the brain is central to processing emotions, nurturing creativity, and igniting motivation.


Integration Games and the Cerebral Cortex: For games that demand skill, control, and attention, our Integration games engage both the cerebral and motor cortex and prefrontal lobes. These areas are responsible for higher-order thinking, decision-making, and cognitive functions.
In our Database of Games (DoG) you have the flexibility to choose all three types of games in a lesson, or refine your selection by filtering only the type of game that aligns with your lesson goal, student needs or teaching style. Regardless of your choice, you'll be creating a dynamic and engaging learning experience that promotes growth and development.

Activation Games

Make Up Your Mind
Fun to do familiar movements
Simple rules to follow
More student led

Exploration Games

Strange Body
Non-goal oriented pursuits
Imaginative & drama rich
A gently guided approach

Integration Games

The Slow Motion Escape
More specialised techniques
Requires more skill & control
More teacher input

Pushed for Time or Want to Lean
on some Expertise?

Download any of our ready-to-go 6 week lesson plans
Welcome to our extensive collection of downloadable lesson plans, specifically designed to enhance children's performance in physical education and simplify the process of delivering engaging PE lessons. Whether you choose to incorporate our program into your entire PE curriculum or as a supplementary component, simply select your focus for the term, download the desired plan, and deliver either the concise 20-minute session or the more in-depth 40-minute session.

Scroll below and explore our expanding and comprehensive library of lesson plans. Remember that everything is included and immediately accessible upon signing up for an account.
Every lesson of every plan features our unique and innovative three-stage structure: Activation, Exploration, and Integration. This whole-brain workout ensures the delivery of well-rounded and engaging lessons that cater to the diverse learning needs of all students. By using our innovative lesson plans, you help cultivate a positive and supportive learning environment that nurtures the growth and development of each child.

Preview the WfM Hub The Lesson Plans

Check out this video to see the how your term
plans are all taken care of using our Hub Library.

No Child Left Behind

The Wired For Movement Chooser Chart.
An Assessment Tool to Better Target Your Student’s Needs. As a signed-up member you'll enjoy unlimited access to our interactive Chooser Chart assessment tool, designed to help you identify the physical or sensory stressors affecting a child. The Chooser Chart is a user-friendly assessment that indicates specific areas of physical, sensory or personal development that may require prioritisation.

Upon completing the online assessment, you'll instantly receive the results on-screen. These results can also be saved and downloaded as a comprehensive, easy-to-read report, which highlights the priority Individual Movement Plan (IMP) to download. The IMP is a tailored intervention plan which comes with supporting information, an in-depth screening questionnaire, and individual exercises, accessible from our database.
Chooser Chart PDF example
  • The Chooser Chart assessment consists of:
  • 17 Questions
  • 10 minutes to complete
  • Results are instant
  • A results report is produced to download
  • An Individual Movement Plans (IMPs) is recommended.
  • By using our intuitive assessment tool, you'll be well-equipped to create a customised and effective strategy for each child's physical and sensory development.
The Individual Movement Plans
Easy to use 8 week movement programmes to help every child achieve more with ease. All the Individual Movement Plans (IMPs) provide three 8-week movement programmes. When the included questionnaire is completed a Level 1, 2 or 3 programme is recommended.

Then go to the Database of Games and download the games for that week and you’re ready to go! The IMP can be used in school for individual support and as part of group activity with other children needing a similar boost. You can also provide a copy for home to really get progress zipping along.
Individual Movement Plan example PDF
  • Each Plan Provides:
  • Background information
  • Day-to-day supportive ideas
  • Questionnaire of 10 questions
  • Questionnaire identifies the Level 1, 2 or 3 programme to follow
  • 8 week progressive movement programme of exercises for each level.

Preview the WfM Hub The Chooser Chart

Check out this video to see the assessment,
results, plan and programme to support any child’s
individual needs.

A versatile Programme to meet so
many of your School’s Needs

Class PE lesson, Small Group work, Individual Plan, Wrap-Around
Wired for Movement has been designed to be used by everyone in every learning setting. A physical education programme at its heart but a resource equally suited to so many areas of school life.

Deliver exceptional PE with Wired for Movement

Use the Database of Game filters for targeted lessons on specific areas.
Inclusive lessons with progressions and variations for all skill levels.
Minimal resources required, ensuring cost-effectiveness and accessibility.
Boost staff and children's understanding of physical education.
Sign up today and elevate your PE lessons with Wired for Movement!
Sign Up

Empower Struggling Children & SEN Students

Use the Chooser Chart interactive assessment to identify needs.
Download recommended 8-week progressive Individual Movement Plans.
Address underlying motor-sensory or anxiety issues with targeted exercises.
Complement IEPs and provide extra home support with tailored games.
Sign up for Wired for Movement and make a difference in every child's life today!
Sign Up

Boost Individual Support with Small Group Work using the Individual Movement Plans

Use the Chooser Chart for interactive assessment and priority identification.
Get instant, easy-to-read results with tailored development programs.
Access supporting info, screening questionnaire, and age-specific exercises.
Group children with similar needs and use the 8 week programme to boost their development.
Sign up for Wired for Movement and enhance your small group support today
Sign Up

Maximise their Learning in Your Classroom with Wired for Movement

Find classroom-ready games with 'Classroom' participation filter.
Re-energise lessons with 5-minute Active Brain Breaks.
Reduce stress using calming deep breathing exercises.
Boost emotional resilience with practical techniques.
Sign up and empower students with essential life skills today!
Sign Up

Revolutionise Wraparound Sessions with Wired for Movement

Craft engaging active play sessions for all children.
Promote fitness, fun, and socialisation in an inclusive environment.
Offer diverse sessions: Calm & Relaxation, Fit & Active, Get Strong, and more.
Simplify game selection with the WfM Hub and Playlist feature.
Sign up today and elevate your PE lessons with Wired for Movement!
Sign Up

Key Benefits

  • Improves children’s physical skills
  • Inclusive Games with variations for each one.
  • Supports multiple learning needs and intelligence with our mix of competitive, collaborative, creative and drama rich games
  • Happier healthier children who enjoy PE and look forward to being active and fit
  • Easy for both PE and non-specialist staff
  • Supports IEPs for children with SEN
  • Support for children without a statement but clearly needing something extra
  • Full and unlimited access to every feature for all staff in your school
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Elementary School Teacher

Boston, USA

As a Phys Ed. teacher and school leader, I must say that the program, especially the games, has truly transformed our lessons. The ease of implementing the provided lesson plans has been a pleasant experience for our staff. Not only that, but the children are genuinely enthusiastic about their Physical Education classes. While it’s too early to assess specific student outcomes, I wanted to express our immense satisfaction with the available resources. We eagerly anticipate witnessing the positive impact they will have on our students’ progress.

Primary School Teacher

Penarth, Wales

It’s rare to come across a resource that perfectly aligns with our needs. However, after our PE coordinator invested in your program, we were overjoyed to discover that it exceeded our expectations. The material presented is excellent, striking the ideal balance between informative and engaging. Our children thoroughly enjoy their PE lessons, and that is truly a testament to the quality of your program. We sincerely appreciate your efforts in creating such a fantastic resource. Thank you!

Lower School PE Coordinator

Bedfordshire, England

The program has been a great source of fun and enjoyment. It is so easy to follow and deliver to the children. Our lessons have become more enjoyable and exciting, as the games create an active and fun atmosphere. What sets this program apart is its ability to make movement fun while still maintaining a clear theoretical basis. Thank you.

Primary School SENCO

Buckinghamshire, England

I wanted to share my feedback on the Chooser Chart assessment and reports. They have been an absolute game-changer in helping me support teachers and parents. So far the reports have provided such a clear programme of exercises and strategies on how to develop coordination, muscle tone and balance – Each time a parent got their report it was like a lightbulb moment for both of us! And what’s even better is that the movement strategies recommended in the reports are super easy to implement. I can already tell that they’re going to make a massive difference in our future lessons. I couldn’t be happier with the Chooser Chart assessment and reports.

Primary School Teacher

Buckinghamshire, England

Very informative and stimulating programme. There are lots of games that support different styles of learning and can be enjoyed by all children throughout our school.

Special Education School PE Coordinator

Reading, England

Very clear and well presented resource. This is a bright, lively, knowledgeable and informative programme. It offers a unique advantage over other programmes by making access to typically complex concepts, such as sensory or physical integration. The hub’s filter allows you to focus on specific areas, and the lesson plans and individual plans have been simplified to make everything easy to understand. This is such good value for money.

Elementary School Teacher

Boston, USA

As a Phys Ed. teacher and school leader, I must say that the program, especially the games, has truly transformed our lessons. The ease of implementing the provided lesson plans has been a pleasant experience for our staff. Not only that, but the children are genuinely enthusiastic about their Physical Education classes. While it’s too early to assess specific student outcomes, I wanted to express our immense satisfaction with the available resources. We eagerly anticipate witnessing the positive impact they will have on our students’ progress.

Primary School Teacher

Penarth, Wales

It’s rare to come across a resource that perfectly aligns with our needs. However, after our PE coordinator invested in your program, we were overjoyed to discover that it exceeded our expectations. The material presented is excellent, striking the ideal balance between informative and engaging. Our children thoroughly enjoy their PE lessons, and that is truly a testament to the quality of your program. We sincerely appreciate your efforts in creating such a fantastic resource. Thank you!

Lower School PE Coordinator

Bedfordshire, England

The program has been a great source of fun and enjoyment. It is so easy to follow and deliver to the children. Our lessons have become more enjoyable and exciting, as the games create an active and fun atmosphere. What sets this program apart is its ability to make movement fun while still maintaining a clear theoretical basis. Thank you.

Primary School SENCO

Buckinghamshire, England

I wanted to share my feedback on the Chooser Chart assessment and reports. They have been an absolute game-changer in helping me support teachers and parents. So far the reports have provided such a clear programme of exercises and strategies on how to develop coordination, muscle tone and balance – Each time a parent got their report it was like a lightbulb moment for both of us! And what’s even better is that the movement strategies recommended in the reports are super easy to implement. I can already tell that they’re going to make a massive difference in our future lessons. I couldn’t be happier with the Chooser Chart assessment and reports.

Primary School Teacher

Buckinghamshire, England

Very informative and stimulating programme. There are lots of games that support different styles of learning and can be enjoyed by all children throughout our school.

Special Education School PE Coordinator

Reading, England

Very clear and well presented resource. This is a bright, lively, knowledgeable and informative programme. It offers a unique advantage over other programmes by making access to typically complex concepts, such as sensory or physical integration. The hub’s filter allows you to focus on specific areas, and the lesson plans and individual plans have been simplified to make everything easy to understand. This is such good value for money.

The Programme

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The Programme
